Greta's Garden

Monday, June 16, 2008

Should have a good garden in '08

I see by the analytics that a lot of people have been viewing my blog. Sorry you got here and it was out of date. Happens. (But I do have others that are current...)

I thought I'd share with you what happens during 2nd quarter - that's my busiest season with lots of festivals and events. I'm even teaching a tourism class this month.

I've planted white half runners that are full of buds, 2 hills of Ambrosia cantaloupes, about a dozen different tomatoes, some colorful Swiss chard that needs to be trimmed up, Chandler strawberries, butternut lettuce that has gone to seed (but will produce some goodies in the fall...), and hot and sweet banana peppers. Joel makes a really good salsa with them.

The roses aren't yet in the ground, but the money plant is ready to harvest. Wish I could spend it on gas for the car!

I just got a new camera. A cannon PowerShot S51S and have been playing around with it. I'm impressed. Check out the Myers lemon. It will be ready to eat this winter. That's when they turn yellow.

Now the great big mound of green is catnip and tansy. If I had known that tansy would overtake my garden, I would have kept it in a pot. But it grows to be 6 feet tall - as does the catnip.

Enjoy the photos. Check out the bee.....


  • Greta, are you really growing that lemon in your yard, or is it planted in a movable bucket or something? You oughta come out and see the Seagrove Community Garden some time.

    By Blogger T.Gray, at Thu Aug 07, 04:23:00 PM  

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